Monday, June 28, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Oh no.

It's Monday, I'm losing steam from posting for the past 27 days straight, so I'm so happy to have a meme for today. And honestly, no more talkie about hysterectomies and my uterus and all of that jazz. I have put a halt on that sort of personal stuff, so let's move on to less personal things like farts and me screaming at my kids.
So then, what have we NOT been up to?

Mckmama- Not Me Monday

I did NOT just shout "what are we paying this outrageous rent for?" with my windows open, while the maintenance man just walked by. This was not because we have yet another broken ceiling fan and down to 2 working stove burners instead of 4. I surely have NOT been lazy calling them about it and have no reason to complain. I would NOT do that. 
Speaking of me NOT being a bit obnoxious and windows NOT open with sounds pouring out of them, I definitely did NOT scream at the kids one day last week and it did NOT project out to the sidewalk and probably beyond. The managers of the building did NOT walk by our window right as it happened. I am NOT that kind of mom who screams at her kids as a last resort.
 The kids do NOT fart on each other. Nope. Not my precious kids. 
If the kids don't eat at least most of their dinner, it's been a regular rule that there is no dessert afterward. My kids do NOT fight us tooth and nail with this rule and treat it, every day, like it's a new and shocking rule. I did NOT bribe them after dinner with popsicles, with uneaten dinners left behind, so they could clean up their room. I am NOT that inconsistent. 
And I definitely did NOT stay up until almost 3am last night because I wanted to. I definitely did NOT spend an hour of that watching one of the goriest episodes of "True Blood" ever and then immediately go to sleep. I was NOT paying for it at 7:30am when the kids woke up.

Head on over to MckMama's to see what she and her family have NOT been up to! and while you're at it, what have YOU definitely NOT been up to?

1 comment:

Stefenie said...

Hi Dawn! Thanks for stopping by our blog and leaving a message! Your family is so cute and I have to say....I LAUGHED reading your Not Me update. Sounds like our house some days.

I look forward to getting to know more about your family!