Friday, May 16, 2008

recent pics

the birthday girl and her birthday gifts.. (FINALLY ..LOL)
many cards and her adorable new swimsuit and sun hat from her Aunt Jen (not shown because I suck at remembering to take photos in a hurry... door plaques for James and Natalie with their name shown..THANK YOU UNCLE DAVE AND AUNT LAUREL!! and also forgot to take a photo of the Maurice Sendak books from Gammy and Gampa..THANKS YOU GUYS!!)
outfits from Aunt Jen and Aunt Theresa
more outfits from Aunt Theresa

outfits from Gammy and Aunt Theresa
outfits from Aunt Amber and Uncle Kris
that pig is sings "this little piggy" (from Amber and Kris), the awesome bib for drooling is from Maxine, and the phone that is THE MOST FAVORITE THING EVER according to Natalie is from Aunt Lucy and Uncle Jesse.
gotta have a crazy-haired James in the mix.
a random one, but good one nonetheless.... visiting PopPop around the time of their birthdays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a few thoughts....

1. Happy birthday Natalie

2. You guys have an Uncle Jesse? That is SO Full House :)

3. Bailey has the same aqua polka dot ducky outfit, and so does Scout over at, her mom and I were just talking about them!

4. She got some seriously cute stuff!