Monday, April 28, 2008

..because I also have no life

I am TOTALLY excited about this.
Mostly because if I see the same 10 episodes one more time I think I just may lose it.


Anonymous said...

In response to your question about our pediatrician- yes, she does kind of push the talking thing. She said now that she expects to have five words by fifteen months, but since Bailey already says five words we don't have to worry about that one. Are all doctors not like this? LOL I didn't even realize that. She is very very by the book on pretty much everything- which is fine with me but sometimes I ignore her a little bit. I love her otherwise.

Dawn @ Bent, not broken said...

It's so funny how different all doctors are. The pediatrician we had for the kids almost a year ago was so laid back and her response seemed to always be "oh it's totally normal..." or "aren't kids just so funny with how they are?" and sometimes couldn't really get a good answer. LOL! She left the practice and we have the 2nd doctor there that we're always liked. And she's kind of the opposite..very concerned and sometimes a little too overly-concerned with minor things. But, we love her too. It's hard to find really good doctors these days.
Anyways... Bailey is doing so WELL!!! Automatically, by that, you can always say, "I am definitely doing something right". lol