Tuesday, April 3, 2012

the Bents and the beanstalk.

About 3 weeks ago, Natalie finished up a really cute class at the local rec center called "Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss". She really liked it and it was pretty much exactly what we expected- all things centered around our main man Seuss. For one class they made green eggs and ham. Well, bacon and some scrambled green eggs which Natalie wouldn't touch, and instead, saved them for James (who gobbled them up). Which he immediately afterward stated that my regular bacon and eggs suck. Ah well. 
On the last day of class Natalie handed me this cute like empty glass baby food jar. It had some soil in it and during class, they put a little fava bean in it. This class was all about The Lorax. After trying to figure out the connection I finally completed my brain fart- TRUFFULA SEEDS! 

ah yes. Okay then!

After 3 weeks of very little sun from an apartment that gets zero direct sunlight and sitting up against a freezing window and also after the kids drowning the poor seed with water after I watered it just enough... 

we have this........

James would like to know if this beanstalk will make it to the sky or not. I told him "maybe". Because...maybe? 
My question is: can I eat it in my salad now? It looks crunchy. It's also as organic as we get up in here. 


caesmom2002 said...

That's pretty damn awesome, I must say! Thank you for posting this! I really was positive that there was nothing like that while I was in town a month ago. That's neat though, I must admit, and HARDY too! That's quite the experiment!

the nervous mom said...

I can't get over how quickly this monster grew. LOL Good to know..if you want to start a farm start with the fava beans!! LOL