Sunday, August 1, 2010


Today marks the first day of the August "NaBloPoMo" (National Blog Posting Month) and I thought, "hey now..let me give this another go" especially since August is bound to be full of stuff for me to write about. The website to NaBloPoMo says that I should talk about something "green" and usually I don't listen to it and ramble about whatever I want. But today, I'll do what I'm told:
This awesome thing above is the (I think granite?) wall parked near the entrance of Boulder's Pearl Street Mall. It has a built in fountain that spills out water from top. I played around a bit with the colors to make it extra mossy-colored. That was a cool wall. And for some reason we snapped about 30 photos of this thing. But can't feel too bad because the fella that was standing next to us did the same.

About 2 weeks ago the family and I were hellishly bored and decided to take a mini road trip to Boulder and play tourist.
"But I've never been to Boulder, Rick c'mon..I want to see how weird it is there like everyone says", with a slight whiny tone in my voice. I'm sure Rick loved that. Now he knows where the kids get it from.
First of all, if you have never been to Boulder, I recommend it. It's not a bad place, really, it's just.... well.......   weird.
Weird in the way of you just have to see it to believe it. You have to go there and let the people and atmosphere sink in.
It's a big college town mixed in with locals and tourists (some with fannypacks and some without) and druggies and hippies and non-hippy druggies. All jam-packed into this little town with tiny streets and signs everywhere, for example, signifying how they love their cyclists but uhh yeah, don't ever bother bringing your wheels into any area where there are people.
There are people everywhere.
One even carrying a large sign around (we saw him 4 times in 4 different spots of the mall) saying "I'm not a criminal I just like to smoke pot". Hmm..maybe he knows where we can find some fine doobies..? (haha..see! keeping up with the whole green theme here!)
So, just messing around, I was pretending to be annoyed with the strollers. Those strollers can be more deadly than bicycles in my tiny opinion. Some of those women are hella nasty pushing those things. Maybe Boulder (because they totally would go for this I kid you not) may pass a law soon making it required to carry a license to drive those things.
So, yes Boulder.
It was cool and it was fun.. definitely a place we may visit again but only if the local college kids will leave us alone and quit stopping us for surveys, signing us up for Greenpeace, and etc etc etc.

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