Tuesday, September 1, 2009

James' first day of preschool.

all dressed and ready to go this morning..
feeling annoyed because he had wait a second for us to get the gate open (lol)
and he's off!
Right at the beginning of the day (as everyone settles in) they join a circle and play with a different toy. And as you can see, Natalie was intrigued.
playing at the playground before leaving for home in the morning (we had just dropped him off).

Today was pretty good! James was a bit upset as I was leaving to head out with his sister. We tried to prepare him by letting him know days ahead of time that we'd be dropping him off for just a little bit and coming right back. The 5 key words I've been reminding him are "I will always come back". He let that sink in but was still upset that I had to leave. But quickly, he was distracted by another teacher and joined his class.
I left with Natalie and a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. Luckily I was wearing sunglasses. I was happy to leave him there but my god, this is the first time anyone other than family has cared for him. I had no idea I would feel so emotional. Not that I'm a robot or anything, I just never fully understood why other parents would cry.
Now, I know.
James learned some lessons today and so did I. ;)


Chicke3 said...

So glad that everyone came away fairly unscathed! :-D

Unknown said...

James is taking another step in his life, as are you Dawn. One of many. Imagine the future, when he graduates high school, then college! I'm sure you'll cry then, too. I know I would, though I'd probably hide it a little, being a guy. I'm proud of you all. My little sister is turning out to be a great mom! To think I remember when YOU were a baby......

Anonymous said...

On what was supposed to be my first day of kindergarten, I got up before everyone else & ran away. The reality was I hid in the woods behind our yard. I was content with my life the way it was, bike riding, playing basketball on the patio, etc. I didn't want to go. After hiding about 3 hours, a neighbor spotted me & took me home. Needless to say, the punishment I got was not worth the action.

I'm sorry to hear about Chrissy, I remember you mentioning her. PP