Sunday, September 13, 2009

1st visit to Denver Zoo!

and we're off!

this tapir was so cute.. he/she was caught scratching it's back on the tree right before I snapped this one..

their favorite..

..or maybe the zebras were their favorite..

this seal was so adorable.. I know it is a "she" but I can't remember her name.. she put on quite a show and even splashed water at us!

komodo dragon..

the peacocks roamed free allover the zoo..before you realized it, there ends up being one standing right by you..

we waited for the polar bear but he was snoozing :(

I am really sorry for the lack of updating. Between the kids keeping me busy and all miscellaneous happenins (which I'll mention more of this week), I've been neglecting this blog. (side note- can you believe I've been updating this blog for just about 4 years now?)
But anyway, I promise to update more this week because there are things definitely worth mentioning here. For now, enjoy these pictures from our Friday visit to Denver was awesome. (way way better than Baltimore Zoo).

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